Friday, October 19, 2012

Ted Cruz's Arguments with Greta Van Sesteren

I found Ted Cruz on FOX a couple of days ago in Rick Perry's World blog. Coming from FOX this reaches those people who can afford Cable TV-instead of being able to afford a premium for more liberal stations. You can find more information here.
I have found 2 claims that are false. I will pick them apart.

The first argument Ted Cruz suggests I quote:  "The Hispanic community is profoundly conservative."
    His evidence is that the Hispanic community has "faith, family, and patriotism." and "conservative values" such as "hard work, responsibility, and providing for your family." Obviously those other than conservatives have not valued responsibility, hard work and providing for their families.
                                In 2002 social conservatives called for stricter voting registration requirements deportation of immigrants who carried no identification, and the termination of bilingual education in Texas.  As an hispanic I wouldn't go for this conservative policy that advocates no bilingual education (an ignorance and aversion of the Latin heritage which is an insult), nor would I advocate the deportation of other hispanics who don't carry identification. The deportation of hispanics who don't carry an identification creates hostility towards the Latin race and creates distrust of the police by hispanics. I doubt this creates a warm fuzzy feeling for
Mexicans/Latin Americans  who conservatives wish to deport. The feeling of being deported based on your race is degrading. The fact that no one talks about deporting Irishmen or those of Canadian descent, or English, Welsch, Scottish, Chinese, Russian, etc. and that Latin Americans are solely talked about when mentioning "illegal aliens," is an insult and insinuates inferiority in race by denying admittance to them when we let so many others from all over the world into our borders. These beliefs held by conservatives are starkly against Latin Americans.
                Terminating bilingual education is also an insult to the Spanish heritage. To ensure no spanish speaking education is provided is demeaning for undocumented workers, after all, we have languages of other sorts that we learn such as French, German, Dutch, Russian, and even Latin, a dead language, however we discriminate against hispanics. To terminate bilingual education is simply spiteful to those of Latin descent's heritage.
                Liberals, populists, women, Hispanics, and  African Americans comprise the Democratic Party. This is a common fact that many people who are even slightly aware of politics understand.
2.  "Most hispanics aren't for open borders":
                According to the Gallup poll "illegal immigrants," Mexicans and others from Latin countries would be required to pay a $10,000 dollar fine for trying to enter the United States again. Mexicans that come here are generally poor and looking for a better place to live than the violence of Latin America. Ten thousand dollars in cash out of pocket is incredibly steep and ensures that the wealthy get admittance while the poor are denied.  I'm sure that as a hispanic with Mexican relatives they would rather not have some of their family to pay such a hefty fine just to reenter the United States. How would you like it if your uncle couldn't live in the same country as you simply because he doesn't have a whopping 10,000 dollars to drop into the U.S. coffer for citizenship?
Ted Cruz's argument implies that hispanics wouldn't want other hispanics into the country. By having open borders Latin citizens may incorporate their relatives and friends from Latin countries into their community in the United States. His logic simply doesn't make sense, why would hispanics not want other hispanics to enter  the country?  Surely they would welcome friends and family.


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